MHAM Week 2: Stop and Smell the Flowers Week

Research shows that gardening helps reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression through being outdoors. Through gardening, individuals can practice mindfulness while being present in the moment to nurture and take care of their garden. This is a great opportunity to get Iowans more involved and aware of their surroundings, develop a new skill and/or dedicate more time to self-care all while making our communities more beautiful and creating and maintaining positive mental health.

Join the Stop and Smell the Flowers challenge this Spring and Summer by planting seeds and/or flowers. Be sure to take photos and share with the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative by following and tagging us on social media using #makeitokiowa. We can’t wait to see your progress!

You can find seed paper at the link below. This is the perfect activity to do with your kids, workplace, school, or by yourself to practice mindfulness!

Instructions: Plant your paper under a thin layer of soil and water daily until seedlings are well-established. Enjoy your wildflowers!


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