Corey Lewis Headshot

Corey Lewis

What is the work you are representing as a member of the committee?

I am a clinical health coach at Broadlawns Medical Center, the founder of The Healthy Project, and part of this beautiful committee.

How does your work contribute to the mental health support balance in the Black community in Iowa?

For me, my job is health equity and getting people the care that they need. Whether that be their physical health or their mental health and making sure no matter where they're at in the world, that they are cared for.

Working at Broadlawns, which is a federally qualified health center, this is the population I've served for the past 6 years. Just being able to break that stigma and give back to that community and let Black people understand that this is OK and seeing the experiences and understanding why people in the community feel the way they feel is something that I can appreciate and understand. On the flip side, knowing there is a better way, and really just being apart of this group and helping Black people come to terms with their own mental health and with being comfortable talking about it.

Why did you choose to say yes to this committee?

Well one, when I saw who all was involved, I felt like it was the Avengers assembling and I was like, I have to be apart of it. I mean, I may not be the best super hero but I want to be apart of this group and it's important work. Just with what I do on a day-to-day basis, I want to be part of making that change