Sarah Oyibo

What is the work you are representing as a member of the committee?

Digital marketing through Studio Delta Designs

How does your work contribute to the mental health support balance in the Black community in Iowa?

I’d say my work isn’t as direct as other peoples. In everything that I create and do I just try to be mindful of how it would come off culturally in the Black community, and the community in general, that I represent the Black community as accurately as I can from my perspective.

Why did you choose to say yes to this committee?

Because I wanted to be directly involved with the process and get as much feedback from the group as I could for the materials I was creating was as accurate to everyone's vision as I could. I felt being directly involved was the best way to go about that. So I could hear from group members, speak with them directly, get their feedback on projects and create things that spoke to their vision and not just mine.